I've collected my favorite books, best of the health web, and products below to share with you. Enjoy!  For most of the trusted and pure whole foods and whole foods supplements listed, as my patient you can acquire these at reduced prices.

I also blog regularly on wildcrafting, creating herbal tinctures to protect you and your family, culturing food at home, wellness, and La'au Lapa'au (Hawaiian medicine and spirituality). Check out my latest blog posts below, or follow for recipes, tips, best of the web, my blog posts and more. 

Recent Blog Posts


Today's juices: 1. orange, purple sweet potato, carrots, beets, ginger, fruit combination of grapes, berries and cranberries. 2. lemon (with peal), green apple, celery, black radish, cucumber, turmeric with black pepper. 3. grapefruit with some peal and all the white pithy part, cucumber, green apple, daikon, cilantro, carrots, zucchini, ginger and turmeric with black pepper. 

Honored to be interviewed by June Kaililani Tanoue of the Zen Life and Meditation Center! Photo courtesy of Rev. Raymond A. Bucko, S.J.of the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Creighton University.

How would you like be more beautiful (or handsome), have a sharper mind, strong bones, a healthy heart and strong circulation, better digestion, resistance to infections, a more balanced immune system and more? Yes? Read away!

Products I Trust

I've spent countless hours researching and finding products whose process, ethics and formulations I believe in.


Standard Process


Nutiva Naturals

Doctors Research







Sites I Follow

These sites have provided great information over the years and I continue to revisit them. The best of the health web!

Weston A. Price

Food Renegade

Green Pasture

Herb Mentor

Cultures for Health

Wild Fermentation

Eat Wild 

Stop the Thyroid Madness

Maximized Living

Green Med Info

I was ready to change ​the way I was eating when Noeau came into my life. Her enthusiasm and extensive knowledge about healthy living have been just what I needed.
— Rachael